Time left for the contest to end:

It’s time to shine a light on older people and ageing.

For too long, older people have felt invisible, overlooked and underestimated. It’s time we collectively take a long hard look at ageing and celebrate all that “old” means.

The Shine a Light photography competition invites you to place ‘oldies’ front and centre and remember what’s great about ageing. Go on. Shine a Light on the older people in your life.

STEP 1: Get snapping!

Take a photo of the older people in your life. And if you are an older person, we want to see what you see. Show life as you see it.

Capture the challenges. Capture the fun. Show the beauty. Celebrate life and getting older through your photos.

Your point of view could earn you, your “oldie” and your image time in the spotlight as part of our public exhibition or a share of some great prizes up for grabs:

  • Young photographers (aged under 13) – $250
  • Teen photographers (aged 13-18) – $250
  • Over 70s (aged 70+) – $500
  • Professional photographers – $500
  • Open category – $500
  • The Forrest Centre staff – $500
  • People’s Choice – $1000

STEP 2: Submit your shot

Once you have your images ready, take a look at the fine print (the terms and conditions) and then enter your photo(s) in the category that best fits your work. You can enter the same photo in every category you’re eligible for. Images must be high resolution (larger than 2MB preferred).

Be sure to share the photo details and/or a short story to accompany your image. In 100 words or less, simply tell us who and what we’re looking, what you see, or what the person or photo means to you.

Entries close at 11:59pm AEDST on 14 October 2024.

STEP 3: We’ll get judging

Our judging panel selects the winners and shortlist for the People’s Choice Award and public exhibition. The panel is made up of community members who have experience in photography and/or with older people.

STEP 4: You get judging

The shortlisted winners will have their works exhibited on this website and in the Wagga Wagga Marketplace. 

You, and the rest of the public, then have the chance to vote for your favourite image. The image receiving the most votes by 22 November 2024 will take out the People’s Choice prize.

Let’s Shine a Light on ageing and the older people in our lives.




About us

The Forrest Centre is Wagga Wagga’s only truly local and independent aged care provider. Established in 1985 by locals for locals, our aged care focuses on each person’s physical, emotional and spiritual needs.

As a registered charity, we are not motivated by profit. We operate independently and are solely focused on doing our job well and ensuring you and your loved one get the most from life, and age with dignity.

Compassionate and respectful aged care – learn more at forrestcentre.com.au